Contact Us

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please send us message or give us a call.

The billing number is good for statements or changing a credit card or insurance payer.  Other billing questions can be sent to

General Phone: (303) 300-7448
Billing Phone: (800) 260-0232

    Boulder Offices

    Ph: (303) 300-7448
    Fax: (720)590-6618

    West Boulder

    100 Arapahoe Avenue, STE 10 & 14
    Boulder CO 80302. Get Directions

    Denver Office

    Ph: (303) 300-7448
    Fax: (720)590-6618

    5335 W 48th Ave, Fifth Floor
    Denver 80212

    If you have Medicaid and need transportation you can book services through IntelliRide either online or phone at:


    Via Phone Number: 1-855-489-4999


    Just a few questions!

    Fill out a few questions and we’ll schedule a 15 minute consult to figure out which programs might be a good fit and answer any questions you have.