Overcome the effects of PTSD in a supportive, holistic, and innovative way

Many of us have experienced trauma in our lives, and some of us suffer from PTSD, an often debilitating condition that affects us in profound ways. This program is designed to help people overcome the most intense effects of PTSD in a supportive, holistic, and innovate way.

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What is the TRAC program?

This trauma intensive is a six-week therapy program designed to treat and significantly reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

  • Many of us have experienced trauma in our lives, and some of us suffer from PTSD, an often debilitating condition that affects us in profound ways. This program is designed to help people overcome the most intense effects of PTSD in a supportive, holistic, and innovative way.

  • Next is the heart of the program, which consists of daily desensitization therapy, practicing EMDR 2.0 for 90 minutes per day with a qualified clinician. 

    For some clients, clinicians may recommend Stellate Ganglion Block treatment to manage symptoms of PTSD.

  • The final stage of the intensive program involves a few more sessions to integrate the practice and to prepare some tools to bring this new capacities into the world.

    Integration is one of the most important pieces of this program. If your clinician is already at Whole Connection, we will make sure to work with them closely to ensure they’re aware of your experience so they can support you in taking new risks in life after the reduction of symptoms. If you are working with a therapist outside Whole Connection, we will prepare you to continue the work with your provider.


Who is the TRAC program for?

This program is designed for individuals who are struggling to take control of their lives because they feel dictated by feelings that are deeply connected to their past. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD or you suspect that PTSD is underlying your current symptoms, this could be for you.

This program might be right for you if you experience the following symptoms:

  • We’ll ask you to answer some screening questions to find out if the program is right for you. If you match the criteria, you’ll meet with an intake clinician to learn more about the process and decide if it’s the best form of treatment for you or if they are other limitations that might impact the work.

    If you think you meet the criteria, we will connect you with intake clinician to learn more about the process and decide if it’s the best form of treatment for you or if they are other limitations that might impact the work.

    Although we know many people can benefit from this program, we also recognize that some may need to be in a certain place in their life to make it possible.

  • The intensive program is covered in full by Medicaid.

    We will review other forms of insurance on a case-by-case basis.


Does the TRAC program work?

We’ve seen promising results for individuals who have completed the intensive trauma program. Many clients report complete resolution for their trauma symptoms.

People report the following experiences:


What’s included in the program?


The program has a companion client portal that’s designed to help you throughout the program. 

The app provides support with:

  • Psychoeducation

  • Journaling

  • Audio recordings from therapists

  • Navigating symptoms

  • Important next steps and support after the intensive

  • During the two middle weeks of the intensive, we recommend that participants take time away from work and other activities.

    While two weeks may seem like a long time to be away from work, it’s incredibly helpful for people going through the two-week EMDR 2.0 treatment. The intensive sessions are longer than typical therapy sessions: 30 minutes of journaling and 90 minutes with a therapist. These sessions take place daily, making it difficult to manage work responsibilities alongside the treatment.

    Perhaps more importantly, we want you to feel you have the time and space to experience what comes up during the sessions and throughout the weeks. Carving out these two weeks for your treatment will be vital for people who want to get the most out of the program.

  • For individuals who qualify, Colorado’s FAMLI program can provide funding for lost income during medical or family requirements.

    FAMLI is the Family and Medical Leave Insurance program. Under FAMLI, Colorado workers have access to paid leave to take care of themselves or their family during life circumstances that pull them away from their jobs.

    FAMLI provides covered workers up to 12 weeks of leave per year to:

    Bond with a new child, including adopted and fostered children.

    Care for themselves, if they have a serious mental or physical health condition.

    Care for a family member’s serious health condition.

    Make arrangements for a family member’s military deployment.

    Address the immediate safety needs and impact of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

    The FAMLI program is required at most workplaces with at least one Colorado employee. It includes partial wage replacement based on prior year’s wages, and includes job protection after 180 days. Apply for FAMLI benefits here.


What is EMDR 2.0?
EMDR 2.0 is a form of therapy that evolved from EMDR 1.0. but is quite distinct in its approach. The process of EMDR 2.0 is to disrupt traumatic memories by asking you to do simultaneous activities, such as singing, counting, spelling, or performing another task while recounting the challenging memories.

By taxing the working memory, you will be unable to recall all the disturbing details: memories feel more distance, less bright or intense, and will be stored away into your long-term memory in a different manner.

Your Clinical Team

All of the following therapists have been trained specifically in EMDR 2.0 and are guided by our Clinical Director Laia Jorba LPC, in supporting our TRAC Program clients.